econ crime lab
Masarah Paquet-Clouston
Role Lead researcherDescriptionMasarah Paquet-Clouston is an assistant professor in criminology at University of Montreal, specialized in economic crime. She is leading the EconCrime lab. Her goal is to create a respectful and inclusive environment in which empirical-based research can be conducted to better understand how new forms of profit-driven crime emerge. Focus
ResearchOutreachResearch articles

A Robust Measure to Uncover Community Brokerage in Illicit Networks

Cybercrime Specialization: An Exposé of a Malicious Android Obfuscation-as-a-Service

Patterns in Cannabis Cryptomarkets in Canada in 2018

Ransomware payments in the Bitcoin ecosystem

The independent’s edge in an illegal drug distribution setting: Levitt and Venkatesh revisited

Assessing market competition and vendors’ size and scope on AlphaBay

Cybercrime is whose responsibility? A case study of an online behaviour system in crime

Conflict management in illicit drug cryptomarkets

Going international? Risk taking by cryptomarket drug vendors

Uncovering the wholesale industry of social media fraud: from botnet to bulk reseller panels

When Greed for Fame Benefits Large-Scale Botnets

Can We Trust Social Media Data? Social Network Manipulation by an IoT Botnet

Spams meet Cryptocurrencies: Sextortion in the Bitcoin Ecosystem

On the motivations and challenges of affiliates involved in cybercrime

Entanglement: cybercrime connections of a public forum population

[FR] Comprendre les interactions des vendeurs de drogues illicites sur les forums de discussion des cryptomarchés

An Exploration on Cryptocurrency Corporations’ Fiscal Opportunities

On the Dynamics behind Profit-Driven Cybercrime: From Contextual Factors to Perceived Group Structures, and the Workforce at the Periphery

Conti Inc.: Understanding the Internal Discussions of a large Ransomware-as-a-Service Operator with Machine Learning

Mapping the DeFi Crime Landscape: An Evidence-based Picture